Loan Application Rejected? How to Approach Up with Plan B

by / Wednesday, 03 January 2018 / Published in Tips

Loan approvals are always not a sure thing. Whether you dream of buying your own house, a luxury car or start your own venture, it will be easy for you get started only when your loan gets approved. So, what do you do when your loan request gets rejected? It may get rejected due to various reasons, like when you fail to provide substantial income proof, authentic documents, or lack of collateral. Besides, your credit score may not be up to the mark. It could be anything. So, this is when you can approach for Plan B, which is literally all the available option that you can leverage when your application gets rejected.

Borrow From Friends Or Family

It can be disheartening to not qualify for a loan. Instead of getting upset, you can consider borrowing a small loan from a trusted friend or relative. You can choose any of your friends or family who is rich enough and willing to sponsor your cash needs. Make sure you clearly explain the reasons for which you are in need of monetary assistance and show your sincere dedication in making the repayments on time. If necessary you can also sign a bond about the redemption of this loan. You should also work out some interest percentage mutually. This will make it easy for your relative or friend to shell out money for you easily.

Apply Online

If you were denied for a loan, apply somewhere else. Do not come to a conclusion due to just one lender’s opinion. Depending on your credit and income, a different lender might approve your loan application. You can try a local bank or credit union or check with online-only lenders. It can be easy to find online lender who are willing to provide you loan approval regardless of what

Utilize Your Savings

When banks decline your loan, you can count on the savings you have made so far. You may have a few fixed deposits or capital assets that you may have accumulated with your earnings. So, if you are in need of monetary support you can bank upon such options. So, even if your loan application has been rejected you do not have to be disheartened. Rather utilize your savings, invest them and save the interest amount that you might have to pay had your loan request been approved.

Consider A Different Bank

Not all banks follow the same strict rules and regulations. If your loan application was rejected by one bank, submit a fresh application in another bank without losing any time. Keep all paper work and documents ready. Have patience and you are sure to find a bank that will accept your loan request sooner or later. But be careful, as making back to back applications can cause a credit pull on your credit report. Having too many inquiries can bring down your credit score.

Look Out For A Venture Capitalist

If you are in need of a loan to start you own business and have a strong innovative plan, you can look for a venture capitalist. You can find many such investors who would love to invest in brilliant ideas, provided you have a remarkable plan. So if you have any such idea, you can always approach a venture capitalist.

Be Hopeful

No matter what, do not give up and be hopeful always. Rejection of your loan application is not the end. Approach a financial expert and explain your situation if your loan application is getting rejected and you are unable to find any other monetary solution. The financial expert will guide you and help you to learn about why your application was denied, for how long you should wait before applying for a loan again, and what are the steps that you should take to prevent it from happening all over again. It is important to understand exactly what happened and take the necessary actions or else it may continue to happen repeatedly. This applies to almost any type of loan you apply for such as auto loans, home loans, business loans, credit card and personal loans.